
Dec 29th - 30th

This LIVE Online Event Will Make You...

Athletic Richer Smarter

10 Expert Speakers Presenting Over 2 days!






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Session #1 Begins In…


A Word From Key Note Speaker Paul Counsel

Have you ever found yourself wanting to do one thing but finding yourself not doing it?

Or doing the exact opposite? Have you ever thought about “Why Is It So?”… WHAT’S GOING ON!?

Science tells us that the mind is what the brain does. Whether or not you excel at something, or contract around it, really comes down to the internal maps you’ve developed over time and the interaction of these maps within your brain.

If you consider that the way we normally learn to process information has been achieved by a gradual process of unconscious assimilation… it stands to reason that if you’ve been trained by the masses, your results mimic the results of the masses.


This is especially the case when you set out on a journey towards financial freedom but find yourself doing everything but.

So, instead of living with the freedoms of money, time and choice….

…you might observe that despite your job or level of remuneration, you pretty much live life according to the same financial patterns that most people live their lives. You might also observe that your notions of space and time are regulated in the same way as they are for most people. And that when you’re at work, on many occasions you wish you were somewhere else.

Whatever your observations are about regulated lifestyle patterns, you might observe a personal quality of life that impresses you, and you’ll seek to continue that lifestyle.

Or, you’ll observe a quality of life that doesn’t necessarily impress you and, as a result, you’ll wish you could live life differently.

And that gets us back to the idea above… If you’ve ever found yourself wanting to do one thing but finding yourself doing the opposite, what’s going on?

Join Paul Counsel on an engaging discussion on change… what it means, why most people never change… and how you can ensure that you do.

This information is for you if you’re interested in discovering how your brain is… “teeming with body maps” that determine your intentions, your potential for action, and your automatic behaviours that track and emulate the actions and intentions of the people around you.”

10X 2024

A Word From Key Note Speaker Keegan Smith

…If you wanted to be a soccer player and in 2024 you were going to train among the best in the world with 1-1 support & the most elite environment… you’d get better wouldn’t you?

This interactive presentation will expand your vision & give you a concrete plan for the execution. We’ll also dive into models for success & learning.

You’ll end this presentation with a plan to win bigger in 2024 & knowing exactly the steps to achieve it.

Here’s some of the EXPERT SESSIONS you’ll get to attend live


Sebastian Kovacs

How I made a 1/4 million in 18 months using just my cellphone and an instagram account

29th Dec

“The Psychology of Change… Especially When It Comes To Financial Freedom"

Paul Counsel

What prevents financial freedom and how you can make it happen."

30th Dec

"The new way of testing athletic performance and return to performance using AI"

Ryan Talbot

In this seasion, Ryan Talbot, CEO of VueMotion will talk about the advancements of Artificial Intelligence in sport and how video has become the new standard in how we measure athletic performance for acceleration, running, deceleration, change of direction and jumping in an athetes natural training and playing environment.

29th Dec

"Mastering the 2024 Crypto Surge for Uncommon Success!"


Ever wonder what sets apart those who merely follow trends from those who foresee and capitalize on groundbreaking shifts? Today, we're unlocking uncommon secrets behind identifying not just a 10X, not just a 30X, but a staggering 100X crypto move before it unfolds.

29th Dec

"Tech in 2024: how to dominate your market and get an unfair advantage"

Jack Zuvelek

If optimising your tech in 2024 is not a top priortiy, you’re going to be left behihd. Join us for a conversation about 3 areas where you deploy tech to turn clicks into clients without paying an agency to do it for you. As a speical thank you, everyone that joins live there’s a gift valued at $10,000

29th Dec

"Turning a Labor of Love into a Business"

Taylor Davidson

How to be an Industry Pioneer and Create your own Tribe.

29th Dec

"Natural Posture, Movement Patterns and Optimising Gait Mechanics."

Bryan Michelson

I’ll expand on the principles of improving posture, alignment and movement patterns. With the benefits if preventing injury, reducing wear/tear as we age and imrooved performance.

29th Dec

"How any busy dad can reclaim his health in just 30mins per day."

Jordan Potts

It’s obvious that means health is the worst its ever been. 60% of men are also fathers. Children look to their dads for how to perceive the world, what to value and how to navigate life. If we want greater health children the men raising them must raise their standard. No doubt keeping healthier is harder once you become a dad however it’s no excuse. Tune in to hear the signature system ive developed thats helping busy dads in business reclaim their health and set better examples for their kids in just 30mins per day. If you’re a dad or aiming to be one in the future you don’t want to miss this. Bring your notepad!

29th Dec

"Product Mastery: From Coaching to Software"

Zach Mobius

Frameworks to build and scale winning products.

29th Dec

Range Library

Keegan Smith

Understanding Range will change the way you look at programming, training, injuries, plyometrics & hypertrophy training.

Learn to classify movements to get results that were previously unachievable.

29th Dec

The Alchemy Of World Class

Dylan Fowler

How to become world class at anything in 12 months

30th Dec

Success Secrets

Keegan Smith

The Uncommon Blueprint: How to become an objectively top a top 0.1% man.

30th Dec

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All of the presentations will take place via a private Zoom. You will be given the link prior to the session through your email.

The presentations will be of EXTREME VALUE. The speakers for this event are experts in their field and genuinely believe in their work and helping mankind.

Yes, every session will be recorded and sent directly to your inbox.

  • Designed For...
  • Personal Trainers,
  • Physios,
  • Massage Therapists
  • Nutritionists,
  • Holistic Health Coaches,
  • Breath Coaches,
  • Osteopaths,
  • Athletes,
  • Fitness Professionals,
  • Uncommon Men.

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